Created in 1991, Neves Travel is the travel and event agency featured in the Cape Verdean and broader Portuguese-speaking community in New England, United States.
Neves Travel is located in New Bedford, Massachusetts, a city with a strong Cape Verdean and Portuguese cultural influence. With years of experience in this area, Neves Travel recognizes its market as well as the wishes and tastes of a community that increasingly seeks a differentiated, quality and efficient service.
With a network of contacts made up of airlines, agents, and freight forwarders worldwide, Neves Travel responds to the specific needs of each customer, group and community to offer customized services.
Traveling is an integrated experience of pleasure, safety and fulfillment that begins with planning and ends long after reaching the destination. Neves Travel supports its clients to bring the vision of each journey to life.
The production and realization of events, with the components of travel, business and culture, constitutes another domain of specialization of Neves Travel, in which it has a long experience.

International Events
In May 2011, we organized Hello Cabo Verde, an event that brought together in New Bedford dozens of companies and women and business men from Cape Verde, the United States, Portugal and other communities, as well as various institutions. During three days, there was a fair of products, workshops, networking and cultural events, with results that still develop today in terms of partnerships and investments.
In 2013, the city of Brockton hosted the Expo Back to the Roots, with a strong cultural component. Companies, institutions and municipalities that promoted the riches of the origins of several of the communities residing in the United States and which today are the destinations of our clients were present.
Neves Travel is present at international tourism and travel fairs and promotes shows by great artists and groups, Os Tubarões, Ildo Lobo, The Kings, Bana, Zeca de Nha Reinalda, Teté Alhinho, Norberto Tavares, Teófilo Chante, Neusa, Nancy Vieira, Belinda, Djosinha, Tabazá Djaz, Kassav, The Wailers and Exile One, among many others
Neves Travel, committed to quality and high flights.
We Fly High to Low Prices
The President, Tony Neves